How to Create a New User
This guide is for: Dealers, Area Managers, Sales Directors, and Area Vice Presidents.
Saladmaster University is a closed and protected network, meaning only registered users can access the platform. As the Superadmin, you have the ability to decide between three user registration types when creating a new user:
- User must be created and registered by the admin.
- User can register via free self-registration.
- User can register via moderated self-registration.
The first option, users being created and registered by a Superadmin, is for those who need to directly manage the registration activities of their LMS. The second and third options allow the user to register and perform in the network freely. This manual focuses on users that are created and registered by the Superadmin.
Creating a New User
To create a new user, log in to Saladmaster University as the Superadmin. Access the Admin Menu by scrolling your mouse over the gear icon in the header. In the E-Learning section, select the Users item. On the main users page, press the plus button at the top, then press the New User button.
In the slide-out panel, fill out all of the information on the first page, General Information. We recommend filling out all of the fields, even if not all of them are mandatory. Required fields will be marked with an asterisk*. A few notes about the fields in this section:
- Username. It should be unique email the user has access to.
- Level. Select the user level from the dropdown menu.
- Email. While inserting the email address is not required, it is highly recommended so you can send newsletters and other notifications (such as the Forgot Password notification) via email.
- First and Last Name. While inserting the first and last name of the user is not required, it is highly recommended so other areas of your platform such as notifications and certificates can display the user’s full name.
- Email Validation Status. You can set the email value as verified or unverified from the corresponding dropdown field.
- Password. You can set password options through the platform’s Advanced Settings.
- Force Change Password Option. This option forces a user to change his or her password upon the first login to the platform.
- Expiration. Press the calendar icon, then select a date on the calendar to set an expiration date. To remove a user’s expiration date, press the X icon next to the field. To learn more about expired users, refer to this article.
- Activate user at the end of the creation process. By activating this option, the user will be created as soon as you press Create upon filling out all of the pages of the slide-out form.
- Send Notification. This option is active by default. Upon creating the new user, the User has been created (by the administrator) will be sent to the email address that you added for the user. Please see more about this option in the corresponding section below.
- Language. Select the user preferred language. The user will be able to change his/her preferred language from the user Main Menu, clicking on the pen icon and accessing the Preferences section.
Press Next to continue to page two of the slide-out panel, where you can assign the user to branches in the organizational chart. Select the folder from the tree, or search for a branch using the search bar. Once selected press Next.
In the third page of the slide-out panel, set any necessary additional fields. Once selected, press Next again. If the user is not a manager, you can press Create User at the bottom of the panel to finish the creation process. Press Review to review all of the details that you’ve configured, or press Previous to go back and edit the details.
Creating a Manager
Once you’ve started creating a new user, you can designate the user as a manager in the platform and assign subordinates to the user. To do so, reach the Subordinates page of the slide-out panel when creating or editing a user.
On this page, activate the This user managers subordinates toggle. Then, in the Manager and Role fields, type in the name of the manager and role into the text area. Below, flag the manager’s subordinates from the list of users. Use the search bar to search for specific users, if needed.
You can also add the user’s role, direct manager and functional manager. If you’re using the Perform module, you can select which one of these managers can perform an evaluation of the user. Please refer to this article to learn more about using the My Team functionality in your platform.
When finished, press Create User at the bottom of the panel to finish the creation process. Press Review to review all of the details that you’ve configured, or press Previous to go back and edit the details. Once the user is created, you can enroll the user directly into courses, or associate subscription licenses to the user. Please note that you can only assign licenses that are visible to the branch in which the user is placed.
Please Note: If you change the manager of a user, any existing evaluations that are scheduled for said user will be deleted unless the evaluation is already in progress. Please wait a full 24 hours to see the changes for role and manager alterations.
You may need to give manager permissions to more than one user at a time. To do so, select the users you want to promote as managers from the All Users page, click on Choose Action in the bottom right corner of the page and select the Give Manager Permission option. Please note that this option is not available when all users are selected with the Select All button. As a result, the toggle This user manages a team will be enabled for all the selected users. A background job will be started when selecting more than 100 users.
Unique User ID
Once a new user has been created, he or she will be given a unique user ID (UUID), which is not editable by the user or the Superadmin, nor can it be used as login credentials. This field serves as a technical identifier for users, and can be used when returning APIs and for SSO purposes.
To view UUIDs, access the main User Management page (Admin Menu, Users item). Press the filters icon at the top of the users list, then press the UUID item. The UUIDs for all users will then appear in a column the list.
Sending a Notification to New Users
When creating a new user, you can send a notification to them via email to alert them of their new account in the platform. This option is active by default in the slideout panel during the user creation process. Upon creating the new user, the User has been created (by administrator) will be sent to the email address that you added for the user.
If you unflag this option, you can send the notification later by selecting the user(s) in the user list on the main User Management page, then pressing the ellipsis icon in the bottom right corner of the page and selecting the Send Activation Notification item. You can also resend notification emails using this method, in case a user misses the original notification (see below for an example).
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