Using the Go.Learn Mobile Training App

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    Using the Go.Learn App


    This guide is for: Everyone



    The Go.Learn mobile app allows users to access Saladmaster University directly from their mobile devices. Through the app, you can easily attend courses, complete training material, and view various assets and channels.

    Please note: in order to see training videos, courses, and other shared content, you must first activate your Saladmaster University subscription. 


    The Homepage of Your Mobile App


    The homepage of the Go.Learn app will either be the All Channels page or the My Channel page, depending on the last time you used the application. Refer to the corresponding sections of this article to learn how to navigate each page.


    The Menu of Your Mobile App


    The menu icon on your Go.Learn mobile app is found in the top left corner of your screen. When you press the icon, you will see your picture, email address, and various tabs. Please refer to the corresponding sections in this article to learn how to navigate each tab.

    Additionally, you will see the power icon to logout of your account. Please note that you cannot edit any of your account information on the Mobile app, but only on the desktop version of your platform.

    The All Channels Page


    From your app’s main menu, you can reach the All Channels page. You can navigate back to this page at any time by tapping the menu icon in the top left corner of your app, then tapping the All Channelsitem.

    You will see a list of channels, with the content (either assets, courses, learning plans or playlists) in each channel. Individual formal learning objects will not appear in channels, but rather inside of courses within the channels. Swipe your finger left and right to scroll through the content in each channel. Simply tap on the content to access it. Remember that for informal learning assets or playlists, you will only see content that you have been granted visibility to view.


    To view one channel, find the channel in this page, then tap the See AllGo.Learn App all channels item in the channel’s area. You’ll then be redirected to that channel’s page, where you can see a list of all of the content in that channel that you have permission to view. Content may have a different page appearance according to its type, but all content will show the details as well as an easy way to complete it.


    Navigating Courses & Learning Plans


    To navigate courses or learning plans, tap the My Courses and Learning Plans tab in your main menu. The page will show you a card display of all of the courses and learning plans in which you’re enrolled. Just like your course page in your desktop platform, each course card will display the course type (E-Learning, Webinar, or ILT Classroom) and whether the course is locked or not. Your status in the course is displayed by an icon in the top right corner of the card (new, in progress, or completed).

    In your My Courses and Learning Plans page, you can choose and apply filters to the courses and learning plans shown on the page. Tap the Filters button in the top right corner of the page to open the Filters panel, where you can select various filters (such as status, hidden items, type, deadline, duration, rating and other filters configured by your platform Administrator). When you select a filter, the content on the page is immediately updated, and the page shows the results of the filters.

    You can sort courses and learning plans by name, code and creation date. You can also remove the filters you previously applied, by tapping the clear filters icon in the top right corner of the Filters panel.

    When the content has been filtered, a red dot indicates that this filtering option is active. If you can’t see the red dot, you aren’t applying a filter to the content you’re viewing on this page.

    In the Filters panel, you can also search for a course or a learning plan using the Free Text search mode. Note that at this time, only the top 24 results will appear in your search.

    When entering an E-Learning course, you will see the course details and a list of learning objects in the course. You can watch all the learning object types in your mobile app. Some learning object types can be downloaded to your phone, so you can watch them in offline mode. Refer to the corresponding section in this manual for more details.

    Please note: Some courses may be disabled on mobile devices for many reasons, such as not being responsive, including Silverlight or Flash content, etc. If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

    When entering a Webinar or ILT Classroom course, you won’t be able to officially attend any sessions using the mobile app. However, you can read more info (if provided) about the course in the About tab, and you can view and engage with learning objects in the Content tab.

    Learning objects that are completed online will be tracked accordingly. Video learning objects can be bookmarked, meaning they won’t be marked as completed as soon as the user opens the learning object. Subtitles are also available for uploaded videos if provided by the Admin.

    When you enter a learning plan, you will see the description, your percentage of completion, and a list of courses in the plan. Press the course’s title in the course card to enter the course. Now, refer to the information above to learn how to navigate courses in your mobile app.


    Navigating Catalogs


    Catalogs are a collection of courses in which you are able to enroll either freely, or for a special price.

    The All Catalogs page, accessible from your app’s main menu, shows all of the catalog streams that you’re able to view on one page, and you can use your finger to scroll horizontally through the courses and learning plans included in each catalog. Alternatively, you can scroll vertically to view all of the catalogs on the page.

    The General Catalog collects all of the courses not assigned to a specific catalog. Courses can be arranged in groups called Categories, and you can navigate the different categories and sub-categories and choose and apply Filters. You can also search for a catalog using the Free Text search mode. Note that at this time, only the top 24 results will appear in your search.

    Tap the Categories button in order to open a right-side panel where you can navigate various content. Here, categories and subcategories are shown. When you click on one of the categories, the content below is automatically filtered and all of the subcategories (if any) are listed.

    Tap the Filters button to open the Filters panel, where you can select various filters (name, code, and price). When you select a filter, the catalog content is immediately updated, and the page shows the results of the filters. You can sort catalogs by name, code and creation date. You can also remove the filters you previously applied, by selecting the clear filters icon in the top right corner of the Filters panel.

    When a category has been chosen or the content has been filtered, a red dot indicates that this filtering option is active. If you can’t see the red dot, you aren’t applying a category or filter to the content you’re viewing on this page.

    Self-Enrollment into Courses or Learning Plans


    If you find courses or learning plans that interest you in a catalog, you can self-enroll into the course or learning plan directly in the app, so you don’t need to go to your platform’s desktop version to do so.

    Please note that while using your mobile app, you cannot yet self-enroll into classroom and webinar sessions and courses, nor can you purchase courses or learning plans that are for sale directly in your app. In order to perform these activities, access your learning platform via desktop.

    When you select a course from the catalog, you view the course’s details page by tapping on the course image or title. Here, you can enroll in the course, read a description about the course, and view a list of learning content included in the course.

    Once you’re enrolled, the course or learning plan will appear on your My Courses and Learning Plans page.


    The My Channel Page


    The My Channel page is accessed by clicking on the My Channel tab in your main menu. Here, you can see all of the contributions you have made in your platform as well as your playlists, if you’ve created any. You can press each object to view and engage with it.


    Sharing Content


    plus button will be shown on the bottom right corner of all of the pages accessible from the main menu. Click on the plus button to upload an image or a video directly from your mobile device, or to share a link.

    Go.Learn App sharing content When uploading a photo or a video, either select it from your camera roll or take it on the fly. Fill in the title and the description fields, then optionally add tags to your content. Select one or more channels where you would like to share your image/video or set it as private so that it will be visible only to you and the people you personally invite. If the Set as Private option is selected, you will not be allowed to assign your content to any channel.

    When sharing a link, copy and paste the website URL in the Link field. The link thumbnail, title, and description will be automatically uploaded, but you can modify them later. If no thumbnail is available, a default image will be loaded. Please note that if you are sharing a Google Doc, it will be displayed in a web app responsive mode. Optionally, add tags to your content. Select one or more channels where you would like to share your link or set it as private so that it will be shared only with the people that you personally invite. If the Set as Private option is selected, you will not be allowed to share your link within any channel.

    Once all of the mandatory fields have been filled, the Upload button will be enabled. Press this button to finalize the upload. When the upload is complete, it may take a few minutes before the content is available on the app. While in waiting status, the content will be greyed out until it’s ready to be played.


    Viewing Informal Learning Assets


    Once you click on an asset’s tile, either from the My Channel page or from the All Channels page, or from a specific channel’s page, you can then view general info about the asset in the Overview tab, and related content that may interest you in the Related To tab.

    To play the asset, press the Open This Asset button at the bottom of the app. You can also rate the asset after viewing it by pressing the Rate this Asset button, selecting the number of stars that you want to apply to the asset, then pressing Rate Me.


    Downloading & Playing Offline Content


    In the mobile app, certain types of learning objects (SCORM, uploaded videos, slides, files, and HTML page learning objects) can be downloaded, played and tracked offline. Full courses (but not full learning plans) can be downloaded as well. On the contrary, videos from Youtube, Vistia or Vimeo cannot be downloaded. Please note that this is only applicable for the mobile app, not the mobile browser version of the platform.

    When your app is online, access the course, then press the ellipsis icon in the top right corner and press the Download button that appears at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can download a specific learning object by pressing by ellipsis icon in the object’s row on the screen, then press the Download button that appears at the bottom of the page.

    ALL of the objects that are downloaded for offline viewing are compressed on the backend side so that the required data to be transferred is reduced to the minimum size, thus saving time and memory space for the download.  After the download is complete they are expanded by the app so that they can be played immediately.

    You can see the progress of the download directly on your screen. In case there are any errors during the download process or if your phone does not have enough free storage space to download an object, an error message and icon will appear.

    Once courses and objects are successfully downloaded, you’ll find them in the Offline Content area of your app. Access that tab from your main menu. From here,  you are able to play the downloaded courses and learning objects when you’re in offline mode, and your progress will be tracked. Once your app is online again, your progress will be synced and Saladmaster University will record the progress you made while offline. Please note that if you are playing the same learning object on both the mobile app and your desktop platform, the most recent tracking will take priority.


    Content Management in Your Mobile App


    In your Go.Learn app, you can manage certain content that appears on some pages so you can ensure that the content on your screen is relevant to your learning needs. The Hide or Unhide content functionality enables you to hide content in which you are not interested, so you can view only the content that is most valuable to you in your Go.Learn app.

    Additionally, the Mark Content as Outdated functionality enables you to mark content as outdated if you consider it old and no longer valuable to your learning experience. In this way, the quality of content published in the platform will improve and the overall content displayed in your platform will be enhanced.

    These two functionalities are available both in the desktop version of your platform and in your Go.Learn mobile app.

    Please note that the two functionalities work in the same way in the desktop platform and in your Go.Learn mobile app, except for the following minor differences:

    • Once applied filters to show hidden content, in your mobile app you can recognize hidden items from the hidden badge on the item’s card, while in the desktop platform you can recognize them from the barred eye icon on the item’s card.
    • In your mobile app, you can recognize items which are marked as outdated from the outdated badge on the item’s card, while in the desktop platform you can recognize them from the flag icon on the item’s card. From your desktop platform, you can see how many users have marked content as outdated by hovering your mouse over the flag icon.
    • If an asset that you uploaded in your My Channel page has been marked as outdated by another user, you will receive a notification in the desktop version of your platform, but not on your mobile app.
    in Go.Learn Mobile App
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